Trust Me

At Grunder Landscaping Co. we are constantly asking our clients why they choose to do business with us. The most popular reason is they trust us.

At Grunder Landscaping Co. we are constantly asking our clients why they choose to do business with us. The most popular reason is they trust us. Since I know trust is important to my success, I do everything I can to improve the trust my clients and the community have in me.
Today it is especially important to enhance the relationships you have with your clients. As I always say, “Make friends … make sales!” While I know it’s hard to see how making friends on a daily and weekly basis is going to help you sell work, you must realize success is a marathon, not a sprint.
It may seem things will never get better, but they will. Consider these headlines from years past:

Most of these headlines were years apart and today most of them are in the paper at the same time, but we came back from all that and we will come back again. The fastest way to pull your company out of this slump and be ready for the turnaround is to start making new friends and taking care of the friends you’ve got. Here are five ways to do just that.
1.  Make personal visits to your top 50 clients. Walk their properties and ask them what they like and don’t like. Make suggestions. If you don’t get any new business right now, you will in the future.
2. Find ways to let your clients know you care: birthday cards, small gifts, a free lawn mowing – anything that wouldn’t cost much but would be appreciated.
3. Network. Look for people who know others who could use your services or could use your services themselves.
4. Become obsessed with client satisfaction.
5. Stay positive, stay focused and be someone others want to be around.

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August 2009
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