SALES AND MARKETING: The Importance of Others

A good marketing technique is getting others to sell for you.

It’s important to network and get your name out. It’s also important to never take your eye off of your clients and their happiness. Let’s consider another facet of networking – how to get others to sell for you.
I have your attention now. Here are four ways to get others to sell for you:


1. Do a GREAT job. Not a good job, a great job. Exceed your client’s expectations, not just meet them. For starters, underpromise and overdeliver. If you can complete your client’s winter cleanup by Dec. 1, tell them you can have it done by the 10th. And when they come home on Nov. 30th to a clean yard, you’ll look like a hero. If you really want to show how much they mean to you, put a wreath on the front door. There are many ways contractors can make a client smile and tell others about their services. It doesn’t have to be much, just go the extra mile and show you care.

For example:

  • Apply free fire ant control application
  • Plant some tulip and daffodil bulbs by the front door
  • Aerate a client’s lawn for free
  • Snowplow your best client’s driveway for free a time or two
  • Send a handwritten thank-you note
  • Visit a client’s house, walk around and make certain they are happy
    2. Ask for testimonials. What others say about your company is infinitely more impressive and convincing than what you say about yourself. Ask a happy client to write a letter saying why someone should hire your team. At Grunder Landscaping Co., we mail them to prospects the day after we’ve met with someone. If you’re not receiving unsolicited testimonial letters, then you aren’t doing a great job. And if you’re skeptical of the power of testimonials, look at the weight-loss ads in your Sunday paper. Not one lacks a testimonial.
    3. Reward your clients. Show your clients how much you value their referrals and you’ll get a bunch of them. I’ve implemented a program at many landscaping company that consists of a letter and a coupon the client gives to their friend, family member or neighbor. When redeemed, both the user and the person who gave the referral get a credit towards landscaping work. If you want to keep it simple, send a thank-you note with a gift certificate to a nice restaurant each time someone sends you a client. People remember these things and will send you more work in the future.

4. Be a friend. The best way to get others to sell for you is to be their friend. You need to be someone who always has your client’s best interest in mind. Don’t sell the client something they don’t need; sell them only what is best for them. If you become known as someone who can be counted on to do the right thing, you will reap the benefits over time. I have walked away from work because I did not believe it was in the client's best interests. Clients are  surprised by my stance.

But if it’s not right, it’s not right. At Grunder we spend a lot of time doing a lot of little things for our clients. We send them birthday cards; we send them thank you notes; if we see an article about them in the paper, we’ll  have it framed and take it over to them. These are all things a friend would do.

A company with happy clients is destined for success. Make a client happy and you’ve just added another salesperson to your team that comes at a price every budget can afford.

Marty Grunder is a speaker, consultant and author, as well as owner of Grunder Landscaping Co., Miamisburg, Ohio. Reach him at 866/478-6337, or via

March 2007
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