Free exit planning webinar set for Thursday

The webinar, "Exit Planning: Cultivating Personal Financial Independence," is hosted by Green Profit Academy and Stapf Financial Services.

A free webinar on Thursday can help business owners pondering about the most lucrative way to exit their business when the times comes or aid them in transforming their business into an asset that will support retirement.

The webinar, "Exit Planning: Cultivating Personal Financial Independence," is hosted by Green Profit Academy and Stapf Financial Services. Linda Stapf is an experienced CPA, business coach and investment advisor. She will share expertise on various topics including exit strategies, retirement planning and transforming your business into an asset that aligns with your life goals. Attendees will learn how to create a roadmap for their futures, ensuring that their business supports their retirement goals and future plans.

Register now for the webinar that runs Thursday, Dec. 7 at 3 p.m. EST. Registrants will receive a recording approximately 24 hours after the presentation.