Swingle Lawn names supervisor

Douglas Hurst will be the new supervisor in enhancement services.

DENVER, Colo. — Swingle Lawn, Tree & Landscape Care, Colorado’s lawn and tree care experts announce the hire of Douglas Hurst as the newest Supervisor in Enhancement Services for the Denver Metro Area.

Experienced in landscape and irrigation care, Doug will be focused on overseeing Enhancement Service teams in the field. He will support crews with his specialist knowledge and continue to provide Swingle’s reputable services to customers among the community.

“Doug’s upbeat personality, knowledge, and professionalism will represent Swingle well. He brings a wealth of industry experience that will help take Swingle to the next level,” said Swingle’s Enhancement Service Manager Nate Talocco.

Doug has an appreciation for the horticulture and green industry bringing 15 years of experience. Most recently as the Operations Manager at The Brickman Group in Denver, CO for four years, preceded by another three years as Managing Operations at Brickman in Fairfax, VA. In addition, he worked for Behunin Horticulture in Utah as their Quality Assurance Manager. Doug possesses his QS in Turf, Right-of-Way, and Ornamental. He received a BS in Landscape Management form BYU- Provo.

“We are excited to have such a knowledgeable member joining our team and we look forward him playing a part in our growing teams,” said Swingle President John Gibson.

While participating in ensuring a smooth transition, Doug will assume his role as Swingle’s Supervisor in Enhancement Services for Denver Metro Area and began connecting with the community he will now be serving.