Southern Nursery Association offers $1,500 scholarship

The Sidney B. Meadows Scholarship Endowment Fund has 2018 scholarships available for students.

Atlanta – Southern Nursery Association’s (SNA) Sidney B. Meadows Scholarship Endowment Fund is now accepting scholarship applications from horticulture students for 2018. Industry members are asked to advise all eligible students of the availability of this scholarship award. Eligibility requirements and the application is available on the fund’s website here.

The deadline for application is May 27, 2018. The Scholarship Selection Committee will make final selections by August 1, 2018, and recipients will be notified afterward. This year, SNA plans to award $1,500 scholarships to 12 students.

SNA has built its scholarship fund for 28 years and last year it crossed the half-million-dollar mark in total scholarships awarded since the fund was established.

“The ability to make this level of awards over the years, as we built the endowment fund that now stands at over $850,000, is quite an accomplishment and a tribute to SNA members, exhibitors and industry individuals who made contributions to help build the fund and award our students,” said Danny Summers, executive vice president of the fund.

Created in 1989, SNA’s Sidney B. Meadows Scholarship Endowment Fund provides academic scholarships to horticulture students in the 16 southeastern states within the SNA region. For more information about the scholarship endowment fund, click here.