Massachusetts Arborists Association contributes $250,000 in tree care

The work was part of the Arbor Day of Service.

On Arbor Day, April 27, 2012, nearly four hundred Massachusetts Arborists Association (MAA) members took part in a statewide volunteer effort called Arbor Day of Service. Building on the association's tradition of giving back, the annual service day allows tree care professionals to have a direct impact in their local communities and draws attention to the importance of proper tree care and tree planting.

"It was an awe-inspiring effort," said MAA president Mike Maley of CedarLawn Tree Service in Ashland, Mass. "Through this annual stewardship project, MAA volunteers have helped prune, plant, and properly maintain thousands of trees. In these challenging economic times, hundreds of our members have stepped forward and made a real difference to the health and safety of trees at no cost to many cities, towns, and non-profit organizations across the Commonwealth."

More than 40 Massachusetts communities received an estimated $250,000 in professional arboriculture services. The MAA partnered with local tree wardens, community leaders, and civic organizations to identify worthy projects in need of professional tree care. Professional arborists contributed their tree planting, safety pruning, and plant health care expertise at Arbor Day of Service project sites including city parks, elementary schools, community playgrounds, and town libraries. More than 2,600 volunteer hours were recorded that day.