New smart irrigation company launches crowdfunding campaign

Dripio is designed to accurately water specific types of plants based on pre-programmed information.

PORTLAND, Ore., – Dripio is launching a crowdfunding campaign this month on Kickstarter, utilizing the proceeds to bring the first generation of its smart irrigation system to landscapers across the globe. With a goal of $50,000, Dripio aims to have its system in consumers’ hands at the start of the 2019 season.

Dripio was developed to solve a chronic problem for landscapers: the ability to water a diverse range of flora with the right amount of water, at the right time of day, and with the right frequency.

“My garden is my pride and joy,” said Alex Zehnbacht, Dripio’s creator, “but caring for all the different plants requires so much attention to detail, not to mention a lot of time. I couldn’t find any product on the market that would help me water my garden how and when it was required. That’s why I created Dripio.”

Dripio’s system knows when an how much your plant need watering. It is preloaded with watering schedules for different types of plants and scenarios, but can easily be reprogrammed to fit the specific needs of any garden. Dripio leverages today’s technology to assist in its management, with the ability to customize watering needs based on local weather conditions among other variables. Dripio is designed to work in any size garden.

With its prototyping and testing phases over, the team behind Dripio has chosen to engage in a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to fund its initial round of production. “As we’ve been sharing the Dripio story with others, we discovered the sincere passion so many people have for gardening,” said Zehnbacht. “We decided to pursue the crowdfunding route because we knew that not only would it be a great way to raise money, but it would also help us connect with the gardening community in a genuine way.”

Dripio’s Kickstarter campaign is scheduled to run from late Nov. to early Jan. 2019. To pre-order Dripio products and learn more about the product visit