Pennsylvania Game Commission Offers Seedlings for Landowners

Landowners who want to plant trees beneficial to wildlife can order seedlings offered by the commission through April 24.

Landowners seeking to plant trees beneficial to wildlife can order seedlings being offered by the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Howard Nursery, which is accepting orders until April 24. Order forms and information is available on the agency's Web site.

"All Pennsylvania landowners may purchase seedlings for wildlife food and cover, watershed protection, soil erosion control and for reclamation of disturbed areas such as surface mine site and utility right-of-ways," said Cliff Guindon, Howard Nursery superintendent.

The following species are available from the nursery: easter white pine, mugo pine, red pine, Norway spruce, white spruce, Colorado blue spruce, Canada hemlock, common elderberry,red elderberry, silky dogwood, flowering dogwood, nannyberry viburnum, arrowhead viburnum, sawtooth oak, scrub oak/bear oak, pin oak, white oak, northern red oak, black walnut, Chinese chestnut, hybrid chestnut; American hazelnut; black locust; large tooth aspen; trembling aspen; American mountain ash, Washington hawthorne, assorted crabapple, American sweet crabapple, assorted standard crabapple and eastern redbud.

More information is available by contact Guindon at the nursery, 197 Nursery Rd., Howard, PA 16841, or by phone at 814/355-4434 from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.