Ever wonder why some leaders effortlessly inspire while others struggle? The secret might be simpler than you think: Leadership, like a lush lawn, thrives where it's nurtured.
I am often asked, “What makes a good leader?” My response is usually a bit disorganized since leading people comes naturally to me at this point in my life. Recently, during a webinar, I was forced to give my answer.
We spend so much time trying to get everything right that we sometimes forget or lose focus on what truly matters, which are the results. How many times did we think we had it all figured out, and then bam! Life sideswipes us and throws us off track, only to have another issue pop up not too long after.
I believe leadership is about staying positive and always seeking out the solution, no matter what you are faced with. My nine keys to leadership and growth are things I live by and have helped me gain followers who want to be leaders.
1. Be vulnerable; tell the truth about yourself
This key is very valuable, but you will need confidence to pull this one off and you will need to trust your audience. When you speak to people, you should always talk about your failures before you speak about your wins. No one wants to know how great you are. They want to know you are human and that they could have success just like you.
2. Don’t care what people think
As Simon Sinek says, “Be the idiot in the room.” Along with vulnerability, not caring what people think about you is key. I’m not saying reputation isn’t important; I’m saying, don’t try to be someone you are not just to please someone else. Be your authentic self. The world needs more of you, and you must believe it.
3. Meet people where they are
To be a leader or someone of influence, don’t judge someone for what they have done or gone through. Meeting them in the hurt, if they are hurting, is key when you are trying to lead someone to a place they never thought was possible. If you only meet someone where you are, you will miss key opportunities in their growth.
4. Find a mentor or coach
To grow and be a leader, you need to tap into someone who has done it before. When you are in search of a coach or a mentor, be sure they align with your core values. I believe word of mouth is probably the best way to find a coach. Ask someone you respect in your community or in your industry if they know someone they would recommend. You might find the person you are talking to might be the coach you are looking for. I found my existing coach this way. To ease your mind, coaches will usually offer a free first meeting or call to get to know you. They want to know if you will be a good fit for them as well. If you can find alignment with a coach or mentor, the results are magical.
5. Seek Uncomfortable Situations
I heard a saying the other day, “Proactively seek meaningful discomfort.” That is the key. The discomfort needs to have meaning so it can stretch you in the right direction. Goals are so important. If you don’t have goals, you are probably living a comfortable life, but who wants that? Set your goals to a point they may feel impossible and insert yourself into situations to obtain those goals. The situations will most often be in areas you think you are the weakest. For me, it was speaking. I wanted to be a public speaker, but I was scared to death. Still, I knew I could do it. I started by speaking to my entire company at events. That led to speaking to small groups of professionals to then getting the chance to speak on stage. I reached my goal, but I was uncomfortable throughout the process. Nothing that is great comes easy, so stretch yourself.
6. Give Back
I believe giving back is the true meaning of life and it will give you the most joy as a leader. It’s not just about giving money; it’s about giving your gifts back to the world along with your time. Volunteer somewhere that has meaning for you. When you do, you will feel purpose.
7. Care about others
Being a leader is about being selfless. The people you lead need to mean more than your popularity. I’ll be honest, I struggled with this one when I was young. I thought if I wanted to win, I needed to be the one who crosses the finish line first. I was so wrong. When you can win over your people, that win means so much more. If my team gets an award, that’s my win. If my team can buy a home, that’s my win. Seeing the people I lead succeed is the best thing ever. I know that I created an environment for them to excel. That’s why it’s a win for me just like it is for them.
8. Incorporate humor
Make people laugh in stressful situations. If you can keep things light under stressful situations, you will allow your team to be able to think more clearly and be more creative. If you are a serious person and it’s hard for you to get people to laugh, pick up some old dad jokes. Dad jokes can be the best, especially if no one is expecting it from you. Now obviously, you need to read the room, but I can’t tell you how quickly you can change an environment just by adding well-thought-out humor to a stressful situation. It’s magic.
9. The obstacle is the way
I believe all obstacles are in our path of growth for a reason. If you figure out why the obstacle is there, you will start the process of eliminating it and growing because of it. When we have goals, obstacles are inevitable, so use them to help you. Just ask yourself, what is this teaching me? Recently, we had an employee use our credit card for personal use. We had to let that person go, but what did it teach us as a company? How could someone make purchases and us not know for two months? It told us that our purchasing process was broken, and we need to fix it. Without that obstacle, our process would still be broken.
And there you have it. My nine keys to leadership and personal growth all in one place. Now go out and be the leader you want to be. Make a difference in someone’s life. My goal is to change 20,000 lives for good. I am currently at 65, so I hope this article will help some of you get on my list of lives changed. If I did change your life or sparked something in you, drop me a line at B.stephenson@newcastle94.com or visit me on LinkedIn or Facebook.
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