A tight squeeze

Tim Benz, residential project designer from Nature's Perspective Landscaping

Photos courtesy of Nature’s Perspective Landscaping

Nature’s Perspective Landscaping, located in Evanston, Illinois, took on a driveway project in a federal historic district. The driveway was shared by two properties, so that meant a pair of married couples would have to agree on the design. The goal was to develop a cohesive and integrated plan that would be functional and aesthetically pleasing while complying with zone codes. While the driveway was being installed, all parties agreed it would be best if the homeowners were not present for construction, which meant Nature’s needed to have the plan accepted and authorized by both parties prior to them leaving. Any issues that came up were then reviewed via phone calls or emailed pictures. Nature’s had the driveway portion of the project done in three weeks, when the homeowners returned from vacation.

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