Association News: Aug. 1999

The Associated Landscape Contractors of America announced its 1999 Environmental Improvement Awards Program. The program is designed to reward independent landscape contracting professionals who execute quality landscape projects. Deadlines for entries are Aug. 20, 1999, for exterior projects and Sept. 21, 1999, for interior projects. For more information, call: 800/395-2522.

The Operating Efficiency Study is offered by the Professional Lawn Care Association of America. The study gives lawn and landscape professionals benchmarks against which they can match their performance. For more information, call: 800/458-3466.

The Ohio Turfgrass Foundation named Eugene Mayer the 1998 Professional of the Year. Mayer is a turfgrass consultant for The Scotts Company, Marysville, Ohio, and has been with the company since 1961. This annual award is the foundation’s highest honor.

Six scholarships were issued at the Sports Turf Managers Association’s 10th Annual Conference and Exhibition. The recipients included: Chad Follis, University of Missouri-Columbia; Sarah Martin, Colorado State University; Stacy Bonos, Rutgers University; John Sorochan, Michigan State University; Marshall Jennings, Mississippi State University; Jeffry Limburg, Michigan State University.

August 1999
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