Association News: Nov. 1998

The Orange County/Long Beach Chapter of the California Landscape Contractors Association recognized 57 landscapers during its Annual Beautification Awards. Wade Roberts, Sherman Gardens, received the Meridien Award for lifetime contribution to beautification of the environment; Greg Grisamore, Richard Taylor and Associates, received the Sweepstakes Award for best overall entry; and Ruben Flores, Visionscape, won the President’s Award for best entry in any landscape installation category.

The Professional Grounds Management Society will debut its updated Estimating Guidelines publication at the Green Industry Exposition, Nov. 14-17, Nashville, Tenn. The book includes updated figures on estimating landscape maintenance costs.

Deadline for entry into the National Landscape Association’s 1998 American Garden Awards is Dec. 1. Landscape professionals are eligible to enter residential and commercial properties. Membership in NLA or the American Nursery & Landscape Association is not required to enter. For more information, call ANLA at 202/789-2900.

The Professional Lawn Care Association of America is offering Richard Gerson’s “Great Customer Service for Your Small Business” and “Beyond Customer Service.” For more information, call PLCAA at 800/458-3466.

Alvaro Somoza, American Farms, was elected 47th president of the Florida Nurserymen & Growers Association.

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November 1998
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