Boosting Growth with Tech: A Message from LMN Founder & CEO Mark Bradley


Hey there,

I've poured my heart and soul into business since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. It's been one wild ride, let me tell ya! From the highest highs to the lowest lows, the landscape industry has been my stomping ground. But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Now, let's talk shop. At Landscape Management Network (LMN), we're all about getting down and dirty with folks from every corner of the green industry. As we gear up for 2024, I'm feeling fired up and ready to tackle the labor challenges head-on.

You've probably heard it a million times, but let's say it again for the folks in the back: Scaling your business and snagging good workers is no walk in the park. Why's it so tough to find and keep good help, you ask? Well, let me break it down for ya.

According to the latest scoop from the State of the Landscape Labor Market survey, only about a third of folks have a solid plan for recruiting and holding onto their crew. And get this: A measly 21% have a clear career path laid out for their team. That has to change, and I figure that unlocking the potential of technology is the key. Our industry needs to change. It’s time for apprenticeships and career advancement pathways if we want young workers to take us seriously.

Listen up, folks. The future's here, and it's looking pretty darn bright. We're talking about AI, autonomous gear, and all sorts of fancy gadgets that are shaking things up in the landscaping game.

At LMN, we don’t plan to sit on our hands. Nope, we're rollin' up our sleeves and leading the charge. Our tech is more than just bells and whistles – it's a game-changer. Take our Crew App, for example. It's like having your whole team in your pocket, clocking in, giving updates, and soaking up industry training right from their phones to get trade certified and operate like professionals. Now that's what I call efficiency!

But it's not just about the tools; it's about the people too. That's why we're big on live training and people development. With platforms like Greenius, your crew can level up their skills without ever leaving their seat. We're talking virtual conferences, online learning, digital trade certifications – you name it, we got it. We are more than software, we are an operating system for your company, with systems, training, and software tools to make your company run like a Swiss watch.

So, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work. Together, we can tackle the biggest challenges in the business and unlock our true potential.

Catch ya on the flip side,

Mark Bradley

CEO & Founder, LMN

March 2024
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