CPG: April 2000, J.J. Mauget

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Millions of Redgum eucalyptus trees in California have a chance to survive defoliation caused by a devastating psyllid, according to results of clinical trials conducted by Dr. Lester Young, entomologist for California State Polytechnic University in Pomona. The data found that J.J. Mauget’s micro-injection system is a very effective and practical method of controlling Redgum Lerp Psyllid (RLP), an insect imported from Australia where the trees are native. The Mauget micro-injection system was evaluated because the insect is naturally protected against contact spray insecticides, eucalyptus are very tall trees and the RLP infesting in mass numbers is especially voracious when feeding on new foliage.

Mauget micro-injection treatments target specific insects and eliminate drift and groundwater contamination. They can be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management program. For more information, please call 800/873-3779.

April 2000
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