CPG: April 2000, Rohm & Haas

Hot Link! www.rohmhaas.com
Eagle, one of the best systemic fungicides available for turf and ornamentals, now is labeled for edible fruit trees.

Eagle controls important turf diseases, such as brown patch and spring dead spot, as well as ornamental diseases, such as powdery mildew, scab, rust and leaf spot.

Eagle has been tested on popular landscape ornamental plants and is labeled for use on more than 100 species, including crabapples, dogwoods, roses, apples, apricots, cherries, peaches, plums and grapes. Now, one cost-effective product controls disease on turf, ornamentals and backyard fruit trees.

For more information, see your local distributor or call Rohm & Haas directly at 800/987-0467.

April 2000
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