Don't forget to nominate somebody!

The deadline has been extended to August 23.

Lawn & Landscape is looking for the best landscape and lawn care company leaders in the industry. Through our Leadership Awards, sponsored by Syngenta, we recognize those who have made a positive mark on the industry through their guidance and actions. Not only are we looking for leaders with decades of experience, we also name an Emerging Leader -- someone who has less experience leading in the industry but have still been very effective. 

This contest is open only to leaders who work for landscaping and lawn care service providers. Please limit 1 entry per company.

Winners will be featured in Lawn & Landscape Magazine and will do a video interview with us focusing on leadership advice. You can view past stories here.

Email Editor Brian Horn at with any questions. To review a PDF of all the questions asked on this survey, click here

To fill out the form, click here.