Driving Force: Riding Mowers

Riding mowers are increasing in sales and popularity as productivity demands drive the market.

When it comes to machinery, Wayne Snyder knows exactly what he’s looking for. For his predominantly commercial landscape company, Early Bird Landscape Maintenance, Kutztown, Penn., using the best equipment is the only way to stay ahead of the game.

“I stick with one type of mower that has proven efficient for the work that I do,” Snyder maintained, pointing to zero-turn riding machines, diesel engines and front-mounted, rear-discharge decks as his favorite features.

Every landscape contractor has a type of mower he or she favors over another. Most of the time the decision is based on the machine’s productivity on the type of landscapes the company maintains.

As manufacturers continue to improve upon riding mowers by making them more compact, more maneuverable and faster, shipments of riding mowers continue to increase at a faster rate than their walk-behind counterparts regardless of their higher price tags, according to the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute. OPEI’s November 1998 figures show that shipments of commercial riding units increased by 24 percent from 1997 (52,400 units to 65,100 units), compared to shipments of commercial walk-behind units, which increased by only 7 percent from 1997 (91,140 units to 97,400 units).

“If you go back to 1984, the intermediate walk-behind was the mainstay of the commercial mower industry and riding mowers were primarily used for big open-space mowing,” said Bob Walker, president, Walker Manufacturing, Ft. Collins, Colo. “Manufacturers helped this market shift from walk-behinds to riding mowers with compact zero-turn radius riding mowers. Even though riding units cost more up-front, their productivity pays for the purchase. Productivity has become the name of the game when it comes to purchasing a mower. Those who aren’t using these units or seeing the productivity benefits will be left behind.”

SHRINKING IN SIZE. As the riding mower becomes more and more compact, it also becomes more versatile for the contractor, Walker said.

“Compact riders can now fit in the same areas only walk-behinds used to be able to squeeze into,” Walker said. “A riding mower can now do the big work and the small work, but a small machine can only do the small work.”

While 61 inches is still one of the most popular deck sizes, more landscape contractors are looking for more maneuverability and similar productivity in a smaller package, said Rick Cuddihe, vice president of sales, Great Dane Power Equipment, Elm Grove, Wis., noting that smaller deck sizes, such as 48 and 52 inches, are selling quickly.

“It is similar to the differences between driving a boat and driving a sports car,” Cuddihe explained. “These big three-wheel riders with the seat over the back wheels are longer machines, and contractors can’t fit as many of them on a trailer.

“But compact riders take care of that problem without sacrificing productivity,” Cuddihe added.

However, for contractors like Snyder who only use large, front-mount mowers, manufacturers have added features such as tilt-up decks to save space and ease maintenance, Walker pointed out. Tilt-up decks enable the operator to lift the front cutting assembly to a vertical position because it is hinged at the back.

“This feature gives the operator the opportunity to clean the mower deck on the job, especially in the springtime when a lot of wet clippings build up under the deck,” Walker said. “It also helps compact the machine for storage or transport. Contractors can fit three machines on a trailer instead of two because of the extra space the tilt-up deck provides.”

Compact riders have only decreased in size to 40- to 42-inch decks, said Ken Raney, advertising manager, Excel Industries, a manufacturer of Hustler Turf Equipment, Hesston, Kan. Although that is significant and addresses contractors’ needs, Raney said in some situations, it is still not small enough, especially for landscape businesses that have primarily residential clients.

“A typical back yard gate is 36-inches wide,” Raney stressed. “That’s why there will always be walk-behinds and that’s why a contractor should know his business inside and out before coming in to purchase a mower. If I was a contractor and all of my business was residential, I would want a zero-turn radius mid-mount because they are shorter and can get in and around tighter areas. If I had a commercial business, I would want a larger, front-mount unit because it’s more productive than a mid-mount in wide open areas, but it won’t squeeze into tight areas or under low branches.”

Besides size differences, front-mount and mid-mount mowers also have weight differences that influence contractors’ decisions on which one to use, said Dick Tegtmeier, president and CEO, Encore Manufacturing, Beatrice, Neb.

“The weight on a front-mount is split between the drive wheels and rear wheels, therefore, weights need to be added over the drive wheels to climb hills and have the proper pounds per square inch for good traction,” Tegtmeier explained. “A mid-mount already has most of its weight resting over the drive wheels so weights do not need to be added.”

As riding mowers become more compact, they are also being built to move at faster speeds, Cuddihe observed.

“Rather than the typical 6 miles per hour, mowers are now going at speeds of 7 to 10 miles per hour,” he noted. “Generally speaking, this can provide a better cut depending on the conditions and the depth of grass. In lush, green Florida, it’s better to move slow while mowing, but on Georgia’s thin grass, contractors want to move faster.”

Another key development for riding mower compaction and maneuverability is the stand-up riding mower, which has become popular with contractors in the past couple of years, according to Raney.

“They save space and they give operators some added visibility,” Raney explained.

MULCHING VS. CATCHING. One area that most contractors and manufacturers would like to see improvement on is riding mowers’ mulching features.

“There’s still a lot of room for improvement in mulching,” Raney said. “I don’t know if it’s physically possible, but the need is there. In the spring, a lot of places have lush, thick grass, and it costs contractors money to haul off the clippings. If someone would come out with a better mulching system, it would help this problem. Right now, there’s so much grass that a mulcher can’t keep up.”

Over the last 25 years, Tegtmeier said he has noticed a cycle going back and forth between mulching and catching.

“Several years ago, there was a big push to get the grass clippings out of the landfills because they made up approximately 40 percent of the landfills, so everyone started mulching,” Tegtmeier remarked. “Now, contractors are catching more. You just can’t hide a couple of inches of grass on a well-groomed looking lawn.”

Scott Evans, president, Scott and Company, Bay City, Texas, noted that another solution could be for manufacturers to offer larger catchers.

“In the fall, I purchased a catcher that carries up to nine bushels of leaves and grass,” Evans said. “It reduced my leaf raking by approximately 90 percent. I’d like to see more manufacturers increase the capacity of their catcher.”

What's a
    Mower Really Worth?

    No one denies that prices for riding mowers continue to rise, but is the number on the price tag where contractors shouold focus their attention when making a mower purchase? Mower manufacaturers and equipment dealers continue to emphasize the importance of looking beyond a machine’s price and realizing what its value is to a business.

    “Most contractors tell us that labor is their number one concern, and increasing their fleet productivity is extremely important in today’s competitive economy,” noted Rick Cuddihe, vice president of sales, Great Dane Power Equipment, Elm Grove, Wis. Here are some supporting calculations about the actual value of a 61-inch riding mower with zero-turn capabilities. (Various numbers may need to be adjusted for geographic differences. Figures are provided by Great Dane but apply to any manufacturer’s unit.)
    • Mowed acres per day: 20 acres at 5 miles per hour
    • Mowed acres per week: 100 acres at 5 miles per hour
    • Weekly gross revenue: $3,800 at $38 per acre
    • Revenue for a season: $114,000 for a 30-week season
    • Revenue for a mower’s life span:
      $570,000 in gross revenues for a 5-year life span
      $456,000 in gross revenues for a 4-year-life span

    Gross revenues do not account for labor, upkeep, fuel, maintenance and are based on a 30-week mowing season. Mowing conditions, travel time and number of hours worked per day will vary.

    – Bob West

OPERATOR COMFORT. “When you operate a mower for 10 to 12 hours each day, you can get bounced around a lot,” Snyder said. “I’ve noticed that mower seats are getting better and better.”

Operator comfort is indeed driving a great deal of design, Walker said.

“Originally, I think contractors were happy just to sit down when the riding mower was invented, and now they want to sit down comfortably,” Walker recognized.

While Snyder is pretty happy with riding mowers’ current operator comfort, Evans said it is only “coming along.”

“The seats could be more comfortable,” Evans commented. “I’d also like to see canopies for the operators. But manufacturers are starting to pay attention to the ergonomics of human beings when designing these machines, which is good.”

The introduction of patent-pending independent suspension also addresses the issue of operator comfort, said Bill Shea, vice president of sales and new product development at Ferris Industries, Munnsville, N.Y.

Independent suspension separates the chassis from the back of the cutter deck by connecting the rear deck suspension to the wheel motor bracket.

“Taking away the jarring effect of bumps will also dramatically extend machine life,” Shea said. “A short wheel base usually means a rough ride. Independent suspension adds traction, comfort and speed to the machine without sacrificing that base.”

When it comes to operator comfort, the focus should remain on the seat, Tegtmeier countered.

“At the point of purchase, it’s the seat itself that lets the operator know whether the machine is comfortable or not,” he explained. “If it feels good when they sit on it and the levers and ergonomics of the seat and controls are natural to the operator, then that spells comfort. If an owner or operator wants additional comfort, he’ll go buy a higher priced seat.”

BEYOND THE 61-INCH DECK. Another trend, especially for commercial landscape businesses, is the purchase of an over-sized mower as an asset to a contractor’s equipment fleet. According to the 1998 Lawn & Landscape Mower Survey, 20.5 percent of respondents are using mowers with a deck size in excess of 61 inches.

“I remember when the 54-inch mower deck was big,” Evans said. “Now, it’s the 72-inch deck or bigger.”

Manufacturers have also noticed the trend, said Howard Price, president of Howard Price Turf Equipment, Chesterfield, Mo.

“This market is growing as more large parks and school districts continue to bid out their business to landscape contractors,” Price said. “Big contractors with big acreage to mow will always want a larger deck for the added productivity and reduction in labor – one man and one large riding mower instead of two men and two smaller mowers.”

While the bulk of Price’s business has always been the 72-inch through 16½-foot deck riding machines, some companies, such as John Deere Turf Care, Fuquay Varina, N.C., are just getting into the larger riding mower market.

“In 1999, we’re introducing a riding mower with a deck size in excess of 11 feet,” said Mike Koppen, product manager, John Deere Turf Equipment. “We’ve noticed through our own research that it is a growing market. It’s not growing as large as the zero-turn radius riding mower market, but it’s growing.”

As deck size increases, however, so does the horsepower and the overall cost of the machine, Koppen said.

“Although contractors pay more initially for a large riding mower, at the same time they’re immediately reducing the number of operators it takes to get a large site mowed at the same time,” Koppen explained, “and people are expensive.

“Horsepower is also an issue,” Koppen continued. “As the deck size goes up, the required horsepower goes up as well because it takes additional horsepower to operate the larger machine.”

Snyder, who owns a riding mower with a 6-foot deck and two riding mowers with 12-foot decks, hopes manufacturers will continue perfecting larger riding mowers in various sizes.

“I would love to see an 8-foot deck machine,” Snyder said. “It would have a 6-foot deck in the middle and two 1-foot wing decks on each side that could be flipped up one at a time or together.”

NEAR-FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS. During the next couple of years as the emissions standards become more strict, Walker said it will be important for manufacturers to cut down on exhaust emissions by using fuel-injected engines.

“We’re field testing a program on that right now,” Walker explained. “It’s basically all about adopting automotive technology and applying that to the lawn mower via small, air-cooled engines. In this feature, the engine is actually operated by a computer, which gives the proper air-fuel mixture ratio. The computer adjusts for the optimum running conditions. There’s no choke on the engine – just two revolutions and the engine will start right up, especially in the cold weather. So far, we’ve noticed that the engine throttle response is better.”

If the test program goes well, Walker said it will be a feature included on the products he is introducing in the year 2000.

“The fuel savings alone, which we’ve tested at 30 percent, will make up for the extra cost, which will be about a 5 percent increase,” Walker enthused. “For contractors that run their machines an average of 600 to 700 hours each year, they will save a great deal in fuel cost.”

While some future improvements to the riding mower are technical, Evans said he’d like to see one simple change on riding mowers that would bring them up-to-date to green industry happenings today and in the future.

“I’d like to see the owner’s manual, operating instructions and equipment labeling printed in Spanish as well as English,” Evans stressed. “Eighty percent of the employees in the green industry are Hispanic. It just makes sense. Currently, I have to ask my dealer to provide them for me.”

The author is Assistant Editor of Lawn & Landscape magazine.

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