Economic Benefit$ of Landscaping

Landscaping is about more than appearance. Having a well-designed landscape can also translate into increased profits.

The advantages of a professionally installed and maintained landscape go beyond “curb appeal” and head straight for the bottomline. A well-designed landscape invites customers in the door producing higher occupancy rates, increased rentals and lower vacancies.

However, the savings surpass occupancy when you consider that the proper selection and placement of plant material can lower heating and cooling costs by as much as 20 percent while creating a healthier environment. The use of landscape to lower noise levels, reduce crime and enhance unpleasant views are economical alternatives that add up to increased profits.

Occupancy and Rental. According to a study by Professor Joel Goldsteen, landscape amenities have the highest correlation with occupancies of any other architectural and urban design variables evaluated. His conclusion was “landscaping amenities pay back the developer as evidenced by the higher occupancies (and rents) clearly justifying the investment.”

A shopping center in San Diego cites landscaping as the reason for high occupancy and the ability to charge rental rates that are double those of other shopping plazas. The carefully designed project uses landscaping to create a refuge in the midst of a busy shopping area. A Chicago developer points to unique interior landscaping in glass-roofed atriums as a major selling point and reason the building occupancy rates are 21 percent above the national level.

According to Judith Guido, director of Marketing for LandCareUSA, landscaping can add as much as 14 percent resale value to a building and speed the sale of a building by as much as 6 weeks. In the ‘90s, as corporations are struggling to retain employees, the benefits of using landscape to create an enhanced work environment is a valuable sales tool.

Energy Efficiency. Professional landscaping can reduce utility bills and conserve energy. In climates with cold winters, the goal is to block the winter wind with trees and shrubs while capturing the winter sun. In warmer climates, the goal is to block the summer sun while channeling the summer breezes.

During summer months, one large tree can absorb as much heat as several window air conditioners and can lower temperatures by 10 degrees. A single tree can provide up to $273 in A/C, pollution fighting and storm water control benefits.

Healthier and Safer Environments. Plants also absorb pollutants and block noise levels. For instance, a cypress hedge planted 2 feet thick along the front of a property will reduce street noise by 5 decibels. Dense or thorny plants placed at security-vulnerable areas around buildings can discourage break-ins, and landscape lighting enhances security around buildings for employees who work late.