Editor's Focus: April 2000

"“Action without planning is fatal, but planning without action is futile.” – Tracie Van Eimeren

Developing a formal sales strategy probably isn’t at the top of the “To Do” list for a lot of small, growing landscape companies these days. And re-evaluating the current sales strategy may not be something a lot of larger, established landscape companies think they need to dedicate a great deal of time to.

But as the rapid growth of e-commerce has shown us, today’s consumers are interested in quick transactions, requiring as little effort as possible. Contractors who don’t develop an awareness of customers’ changing needs as consumers and an ability to tailor a sales presentation to meet those needs may find themselves losing out on jobs without understanding why.

A discussion I recently sat in on focused on the impact today’s changing economy is having on the landscape industry, in particular the sales process. As the contractors talked, they clearly agreed on the changes they are seeing in the public’s perception of the landscape industry: The proliferation of landscape companies has shifted consumers’ overall perception of landscape work down the continuum from being a unique service to being more of a commodity product.

We all know that quality landscape work is anything but a commodity product. So, when faced with a customer who holds this perception, a salesperson has three possible courses of action: don’t try to convince the customer otherwise and provide a proposal that makes sense for the customer and the company; make a presentation attempting to show the customer how landscape work differs from a commodity product; or choose not to pursue that customer’s business at all.

Many contractors will elect to take that final route and understandably so. A customer who does not believe landscape work requires expertise unique to each project isn’t likely to pay a fair price for the work. That customer is more likely to be the price-shopping customer you should strive to avoid.

Contractors who want to effectively market their services must have a target customer in mind for their selling efforts, be aware of the needs of consumers in general and their target customers, in particular, and be sure their salespeople have been trained to identify different customers’ needs and develop a strategy to win their business.

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April 2000
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