At Bass Custom Landscapes, we have a standard format to use for every proposal we present so we can increase customers’ perception of our products’ value and services when compared to our competitors’ proposals. As a result, we rarely have to bid on a job.
Every proposal we prepare is eight to nine pages long, and the order of the pages helps guide our estimators through the sales presentation, which is the same for each estimator. Not only does this process keep our close ratio above 50 percent for all of our estimators, it protects our company from changing what we promise to all of our clients.
We begin with a cover sheet that restates the service or proposal the client has requested. It is important to use the client’s exact words when naming his or her proposal. This shows that we were listening during the walkover.
Next is our company profile, which is a one-page document providing an overview of our company’s history, our key employees and services offered. This gives us an opportunity to tell our company’s story. The landscape business is a very personalized service business and during this initial meeting we establish who is going to be responsible for the personalized service. We also use this opportunity to promote our add-on services in an informative - not pushy - manner.
Following this, we provide a list of references and information about our company’s licenses and insurance. Providing recognizable names or projects that are similar to the project you are there to sell will dramatically increase your chances of making the sale.
Five Keys To Using Proposals |
We also include a copy of the most current company picture in every proposal to show potential clients that all of our employees are uniformed. The photo also helps them recognize our trucks and see that we have specialized equipment. Our sales people can also use the image to discuss the cultural diversity within our staff. Essentially, this photo really helps tell prospects a story we could never explain with words alone.
Pages four and five of our proposal explain our services. This helps build awareness and a perception of the value of our services. Instead of saying we will mow, edge and trim as needed, we say, "Prior to mowing, the turf areas will be policed for trash, tree limbs or obstructions. Turf will be completely and evenly mowed at a height most suitable for the species and the site’s specific needs. In areas we cannot reach with a lawnmower, we will string trim the turf to the height of adjacent turf. We do not bag grass clippings. Turfgrass research shows that by using proper mowers, it is better to return clippings to the turf for nutritional replenishment." With this statement, our client knows what our services include, and we establish a level of understanding that prevents misunderstanding.
Page six is the price sheet, and we keep prices to one page. We always price the add-on services, even if the client didn’t specifically request them so we have the opportunity for add-on sales in the future with a lot less effort. The key is that we delay discussions about the price until the end of the proposal so we can spend more time establishing the value of our service.
Page seven is our guarantee document. After presenting the price, we state in writing exactly what the customer can expect from our company.
Page eight is a copy of our monthly company newsletter. This is special treatment that keeps customers loyal for years and educated about the changes in our company.
The author is owner of Bass Custom Landscapes and Super Lawn Trucks, Bonaire, Ga.
A sample proposal from Bass Custom Landscapes is available here: Landscape Construction Proposal From Bass Custom Landscapes.
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