Are you from around here?

How to become a native plant landscape expert in your area.

Tim Kane 

Anybody currently in the landscape business doesn’t need enlightenment from me about how far we are from the glory days of 2007. In today’s brave new world there are far fewer jobs available, and the competition for any paying customer is fierce. In this take-no-prisoners reality, what can a landscaper do to stand out from the crowd and attract that much smaller group of customers?

How about becoming the native plant landscape expert in your area? As an owner and grower for the American Beauties Native Plants brand, Prides Corner Farms has seen the demand for native plants continue to rise steadily despite the downturn in many other plants groups we grow. The reason: Consumers have a growing desire to help the environment, solve problems in their landscapes and to be entertained. Native plants fulfill these desires.

Help the environment
Native plants provide far more of what is needed – whether it be food, shelter or nesting opportunities – to help native fauna survive and thrive in the home landscape. Customers are hot to help the environment in this way. The National Wildlife Federation has certified over 75,000 home landscapes as wildlife habitats in the past three years – quite notable when you discover that there were only 30,000 habitats certified by NWF in the previous two decades.

Entertain the customer
What customer doesn’t love to see birds and butterflies visiting their landscapes? Native plants are best for bringing these garden visitors in and turning them into full-time residents. Oh, how about this fact: More than 55 million people in the U.S. feed birds each year and spend in excess of $2.5 billion annually just on birdseed. Tell your customers how native landscapes support wildlife.

Solve problems
Native plants solve most of your customers’ tough landscape problems. Whether it’s shade, moisture, beating sun or dry conditions, native plants are far better at providing results for the homeowner than non-natives. Their greater tolerance of these conditions, once established, will result in less maintenance from the customer – a great selling point for any landscape.

Create notoriety
What homeowner wouldn’t love to have a landscape that’s recognized throughout their neighborhood and beyond? Native plants create such a setting for your customer, and offer the opportunity to certify their landscape through the National Wildlife Federation as a wildlife habitat. A visit to the NWF website outlines the simple steps to make this happen. After the certification is made official, a sign proclaiming the NWF designation can be displayed in the landscape for everyone in the neighborhood to see. The cost is minimal and can easily be included in the price of the job. But the tangible benefit to you for providing this perk to them is priceless.

Increase sales
Companies that recognize that they must aggressively seek out the connection to the existing customers and target their needs are the firms that not only survive but thrive in depressed markets. Native plants may be your ticket to emerging from the recession even stronger than you were in the good old days of the boom economy.

The author is the sales and marketing manager for Prides Corner Farms in Lebanon, Conn.


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