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Gaining MOWmentum

The Grasshopper Co., with the help of Lawn & Landscape, has released the first mobile app for tablet technology specifically for landscape maintenance contractors. It’s called MOWmentum and it provides grounds maintenance professionals valuable information to improve their businesses. New issues, available for free download in Apple and Android app stores, will be released quarterly, with relevant content for the respective season.

The premiere issue includes a checklist for morning rollout, fleet maintenance guide, mower and crew safety tips, alternative fuel-saving comparisons, insights on mulching and dethatching services and best practices demonstrated by the issue’s featured contractor. The goal of the app, through stories, videos and photo galleries, aims to provide industry benchmarks and resources to assist contractors in their operations. Download the app for iPad: or Android:

Windshield time

The second edition of the Lawn Care Radio Network arrived in inboxes recently. But, in case you missed it, just visit the links provided below to hear the latest podcasts on how to better run your business. You can also download them via iTunes and listen to them while driving around on the job. Visit to hear other podcasts from the network.

Pests and politicians
Agrium Advanced Technologies headed to Washington to speak with legislators about the chemical industry.

Turf challenges
Todd Mayhew of Valent Professional Products talks about what LCOs can do when the weather doesn’t go according to plan, and other obstacles facing LCOs this year.

Know your conditions
LCOs have to be more aware of pest damage in lawns because of drought and stressed turf.

All the way to OFA

Check out some videos from the OFA Short Course by typing in the links below. For all the videos, visit and search “From the Field.”

Plant something
Cheryl Goar explains a new marketing initiative geared at motivating people to play in the dirt.

One voice, one industry
OFA’s Michael Geary comments on the plan to form a new green association with ANLA.

Disease control
Steven Larson from BASF discusses the Orvego fungicide, a new product that controls downy mildew and Phytophthora.

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Weed dating was a hit for singles in Idaho.

What’s to blame?
A Cleveland homeowner blames a fertilizer company for the death of his Koi fish.

Supplier testifies
The green industry witness described how high fuel prices have affected job creation.

Long Island law
Cut your lawn, or your you-know-what is grass.

The new lawn
It’s shaggy, chic and easy on the mower.

August 2012
Explore the August 2012 Issue

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