
$38 million

The burning bush shrub popular in many Eastern U.S. landscapes may be getting a makeover to tame its appetite for other plants’ land. A University of Connecticut scientist and his research team pinpointed the genetic combination to grow a seedless, non-invasive version of burning bush that doesn’t sacrifice its bright colors and durability. Annual sales of burning bush are $38 million nationwide. Currently, 21 states list it as an invasive plant and Massachusetts and New Hampshire have banned selling it, according to The Associated Press. 


Everyone knows how important body language is. Honestly, it can make or break a sale – and, these days, who can afford missing out on a deal because of a silly gesture? The author of “The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur,” Mike Michalowicz recently shared with OPEN Forum the seven most common body language mistakes.

  1. Looking at your cellphone
  2. Clasping and rubbing hands together
  3. Dressing messy
  4. Clock watching
  5. Arm crossing
  6. Eye rolling
  7. No eye contact


The economy continues to hold small business owners back from taking a vacation. An American Express survey of 500 entrepreneurs found only 46% had planned a summer getaway. The number is up from 40% in 2009, but still down from its high of 67% in 2006. The main reasons for staying home were busy schedules and lack of funds.



That’s how much small businesses overpay for health insurance on average, according to a study published in the American Economic Review. According to the study, the reason why companies are overpaying is that they change plans frequently, which isn’t cheap.



Open workspaces may go a long way in shaping employee behavior. An Ethisphere Institute and Jones Lang LaSalle survey on the influence of workplace design and practices found implementing open floor plans positively affects businesses, as 64% of respondents said they did not have any visible ethical violations within the past two years.  Other findings: Open office spaces improve corporate culture, morale and productivity, while reducing costs and environmental impacts associated with oversized real estate (e.g., individual offices).

October 2011
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