Mid-Year Realignment

On a scale of 1-10, how important is it to have your team bought in and aligned around the vision of the company? If your answer is 7 or above, this article is for you. We just hit the midway point in 2023. I hope your business is going as well as planned. Chances are there have been substantial changes and adjustments in the last six months that you didn’t plan or anticipate. This means your 2023 plan and current status may not be in alignment. This month is a great time to reflect on those changes and realign your team for a strong second half of the year.

Use this model to reset, refocus and accomplish more than you thought possible in 2023. Here is a step-by-step guide to making the most out of your mid-year strategic planning process and get your team in alignment.

Step 1: Reflect and Evaluate. The first step in your mid-year strategic planning process is to reflect on your current progress and evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies and goals. Take the time to assess your achievements, identify any shortcomings and analyze the industry trends. I recommend reviewing the last six months in detail and briefly reviewing how you did in Q3 and Q4 last year.

Step 2: Define Objectives and Priorities.

With a comprehensive understanding of your current position, it's time to set new objectives and priorities for the remainder of the year. Consider your long-term goals and aspirations. Remember earlier in the year, I wrote about having a clear vision for the company. Now is the time to review that. Ensure that your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). Another great way to define objectives is to perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). If you are unsure how to perform this, YouTube has some great instructional videos.

Step 3: Develop Action Plans. Once you have defined your objectives, it's crucial to develop detailed action plans that outline the steps required to achieve them. Break down each objective into smaller tasks, assign responsibilities and set deadlines. Consider any necessary resources, such as budget, equipment or personnel, and ensure that they are allocated effectively to support the action plans.

Step 4: Communicate and Engage. This is probably the most important part of the process: communicating the plan. Effective communication and engagement with your team are essential for successful implementation of your strategic plans. Share the objectives, action plans and expectations with your employees, and encourage their input and feedback. Ensure that everyone understands their roles, responsibilities and the significance of their contributions towards achieving the goals.

Step 5: Monitor, Measure and Adjust. To ensure ongoing success, it's vital to monitor and measure the progress of your strategic initiatives. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the outcomes and regularly evaluate whether you are on track to meet your objectives. Analyze the data, identify areas of improvement, and be prepared to make necessary adjustments to your plans.

The summer is the busiest time of the year for many of us and I know how hard it is to carve out time for your team. If you're reading this right now, take a few minutes to put a planning session on the calendar. Good luck and happy planning!

Raise the bar is a monthly column by Justin White, CEO of K&D Landscaping, written to help improve professionalism in the green industry.  jwhite@giemedia.com


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