More than a BBQ

Brian Horn, editor,
Lawn & Landscape

I’m sure there is some deep, philosophical definition of the word “culture.” But when it comes to company culture, it can also be defined simply as “fun stuff my company does.” Sure, the overall morale of an organization is built on transparency and the mutual respect between everyone who makes up the organization, but the stuff on the fringes matters to a lot of people.

That’s a common theme in the three companies we profiled this month who scored at the top of our Best Places to Work rankings.

As part of the survey, everyone is asked to list a few unique employee benefits or programs offered by their organization. Of course, there were the usual company barbecues and trips to local sporting events or amusement parks, but some listed here I thought were a little different or may resonate more with employees:

  • A few companies scored points based on resources spent to promote exercise and fitness for employees. A gym is located in one company’s facility, while another company organizes different fitness challenges like a walk for wellness, where all employees participate by walking 30 minutes a day and are entered into a drawing to win a prize.
  • A pet-friendly workplace, with a company dog regularly in attendance for stress relief.
  • A handful of companies have game tables and activities like ping-pong available for staff and the admin team to enjoy on their break.
  • Celebrating random holidays like National Pizza Day or hosting an ice cream social just for fun.
  • I’ve heard of a few companies who can do this — free weekends at a company lake property for employees and their families for exceptional performance. This includes jet skis and boats for all employees and their families for 20 days each summer, with meals provided.
  • A tool and equipment rental program for weekend projects or free use of company equipment for home projects.
  • Bringing in any apparel employees want logoed, and the company will cover the cost of embroidery.
  • Many companies have different charitable efforts they participate in as well. One company allows employees to opt-in to a program and contribute $2-5 per pay to local charities they support. 100% of donations are matched by the company.

So, whether it’s a catered lunch or something more involved, maybe there is something different you can be doing to create a Best Places to Work environment.

June 2023
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