People: Aug. 1999

Zeneca Professional Products named Buddy Camors business director of the pest control, turf and ornamental business.

American Cyanamid named Rich Kalik national accounts manager and John Thomas senior sales manager for its Turf & Ornamental Products Group.

Jenny Lee has joined Ball Horticultural Co. as account executive for all Ball plant product marketing communications and photography coordinator for the corporation.

Griffin L.L.C. hired David Warman as U.S. sales manager of the turf, nursery and ornamentals for the specialty products group.

Becker-Underwood announced the following: Cozette Hadley-Rosburg was promoted to vice president of sales and marketing; Dan Foor was appointed western sales territory manager; Mike Sherman assumed the responsibility of northeast sales territory manager; Kurt Winkler took the responsibility of mid-south sales territory manger; Todd Schnathorst was appointed to the position of midwestern sales territory manager and Larry Butler was added to the staff as research biologist to the research and development department.

Matt Schiller was named sales manager for Northern California, Nevada and Hawaii at L.R. Nelson Corp.

Textron Turf Care and Specialty Products named Harold Pinto managing director of Textron Turf Care and Specialty Products - Europe.

August 1999
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