Prepare for the sale

There are a few things to consider before selling a landscaping business.

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Have you thought of selling your landscaping business now or in the future? If so, have you thought about what it takes to prepare for the sale? It can be a long and complicated process without proper planning or advisers.

Landscaping businesses have been popular sellers the last few years, and the buyers might surprise you. Our firm, Sun Acquisitions, recently sold a commercial landscaping business in the Chicago area. This business had been operating for more than 50 years, and it had long-standing relationships with clients. During our confidential marketing of this business, we generated multiple offers. However, the ultimate buyer with the highest offer was someone completely outside of the industry.

This buyer might come as a surprise. We received other offers from existing landscape contractors, but none of those came close to the offer we received from someone outside of the industry.

The owner of the company we represented was just as surprised. He could not imagine that the ultimate buyer was not from the industry – a possibility that we had mentioned in our very first planning session with him.

Head to for a few things to consider before you sell.

Turnaround Tour 2018

As our 2017 Turnaround Tour comes to an end, Ed LaFlamme and Bill Arman are gearing up for more consulting in 2018. They’ll bring their expertise and $25,000 of free consulting to help three more landspcaping businesses reach their potential and turn profits.

Visit to check out the trailer for the 2018 Turnaround Tour.

Way back when

This issue features our 2017 State of the Industry Report, but do you remember how the green industry was doing in 2007? Dive into our archives at and get a look inside the industry 10 years ago.

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A $250,000 lesson

October 2017
Explore the October 2017 Issue

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