Publisher's Focus: March 1997

The news will make your head spin. Supplier mergers, contractor consolidations, personnel moves into and out of the green industry. As company owners and managers are engrossed with the details of a new season, they’re also dealing with the unknowns and changes the new year brings. Marketing new services, bringing in renewals, hiring new employees....the list goes on.

To help industry professionals develop programs and processes, Lawn & Landscape magazine has created a one-day School of Management to meet the business management information demands of lawn and landscape contractors in today’s marketplace.

The Lawn & Landscape School of Management is a unique industry educational event, bringing savvy owners and managers of lawn and landscape firms together for a frank and open exchange of business expertise and creating a positive dialogue.

Lawn & Landscape magazine has led the industry in conducting round tables, contractor forums and synergistically cooperating with contractors and suppliers alike. This unique concept keeps industry suppliers and managers working together to meet the ever-changing needs of the service professional.

Whether you’re an owner of a large, full-service company or a manager in a small firm, you’ll find a balanced playing field at our School of Management. The sessions will provide practical business information for industry professionals regardless of the size of their business. This attitude allows Lawn & Landscape’s School of Management to be a true industry conference where a premium is placed on learning and sharing information.

The school will feature six topics, including: Hiring Practices that Work, Bringing Out the Best in Your People, Leadership Principles, Increasing Productivity in Landscape Services and Seven Key Factors in Profitable Marketing and Managing Business Growth ...Today and Tomorrow. Presenters will include such well-known industry speakers as: Bill Hoopes, Barefoot Grass; Dick Ott, Orkin; Phil Christian, pdc Consultants; Steve Derrick, Gold-Kist Inc.; and Tracy Morland, Horticultural Business Management Consulting.

The session’s one-day format will maximize your available time and provide fresh ideas to run your business. The conference is set for April 28 at the Ravenia Crowne Plaza in Atlanta.

The School of Management is held in conjunction with "PCT Dialogue 97...A Business & Technology Conference" created by our sister publication, Pest Control Technology magazine.

We believe you’ll find the program is one that is valuable to both you and your business. For more details, call Jeff Fenner at 800/456-0707.

We hope you decide to come to Atlanta and see for yourself how you can be part of the dialogue.

March 1997
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