Spring Technical Guide: Managing Plant Health Through Better Root Growth

Understanding the basics of root health and how to manage it is the first step to gaining consistent plant growth.

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That’s the root of all evil.”

“This is about as much fun as a root canal.”

How many times have you heard similar analogies about “bad” roots? Now, how about a good title, such as, “Up with Roots?” No, that would never work — it’s not agronomically feasible. How about “Roots —Out of Sight and Out of Mind?”

Understanding roots means we must go back to the basics — what, how and why roots benefit plants. One of the more obvious benefits is that roots are essential for plant growth. They provide anchoring for the plants and permit the absorption of nutrients and water.

Root systems generally fall into two classifications: fibrous or tap root. Grasses are classified as having fibrous root systems characterized by a fairly shallow, multibranching arrangement.

Many other plants have a tap root system characterized by a primary root, which remains the largest root of the plant and develops downward with other roots branching from it. Tap root systems are present in large and small plants. The dandelion is an excellent example of a small tap root system.

By knowing about the plant’s root system, a lawn or landscape contractor can select the best practices to allow for maximum plant growth. Knowing whether the root system will require depth or lots of lateral space, as well as how quickly it will develop, will help you prepare a growing site or select the proper container for that plant.

ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. Various environmental factors affect plant root growth, as well as the direction and extent of root growth. Some of these factors include temperature, light, gravity, salt concentrations, condition or texture of soil or planting medium, oxygen supply and nutrient availability. All of these factors combine to facilitate root growth and, as such, dictate the amount and direction of root growth.

For example, the effect of light on plants is called “phototropism.” The light availability causes an imbalance of hormones in some parts of the plant which may cause the plant to grow toward the light (positive phototropism). Some roots will turn away from light (negative phototropism). Gravity causes an imbalance of hormones in roots which causes them to grow downward (positive geotropism). Growth toward moisture is called “positive hydrotropism.” Growth toward favorable temperatures is called “positive thermotropism.” One landscape manager even claimed that willow trees exhibit special effects he called “septic tanktropism.”

At any rate, plant roots do not seek out favorable growing conditions, but they do grow in the direction of the most favorable conditions that they encounter.

GROWTH PATTERNS. Roots grow by cell division and elongation. Basically, new cells are formed behind a tough battering ram called a “root cap.” Once formed, these new cells begin to elongate, which accounts for the movement of roots through the soil.

Directly behind the elongation zone is the area where root hair and vascular tissues are formed. This area is primarily responsible for absorbing nutrients and water.

Primary, or seminal roots, develop directly from the seed and are generally short-lived, lasting only about six to eight weeks before being replaced by the adventitious roots. These roots form from underground stems, older roots or aerial plant parts. Adventitious roots also develop from nodes of rhizomes and stolons of perennial grasses. On more developed, older turf, most of the new roots develop on the outer edges of the original shoots and from nodes of the newest tillers or creeping stems.

Turfgrasses can develop root systems which can reach a depth of 5 to 7 feet for warm-season grasses like Bermudagrass, St. Augustine or bahiagrass. By contrast, roots of cool-season grasses like bentgrass or Kentucky bluegrass seldom reach below 1½ to 2 feet when turf is maintained at a 2-inch cutting height. The root system of a healthy turf plant is usually thick , multibranching and forms a heavy, fibrous net. Newly formed roots appear thick and white, while older roots are thinner and darker in color.

Root longevity depends on a number of factors. Primary roots usually do not live past the first year following seeding or planting. Adventitious roots may last as long as the plants they support. In cases of unfavorable growing or soil conditions, however, these roots may die while the plant shoot will survive. This case is particularly likely for cool-season turfgrasses during the midsummer heat stress periods.

Most cool-season turfgrass root growth occurs in the spring and, to some extent, during fall weather. Warm-season turfgrass root growth will occur mainly in the summer months.

Root replacement will vary with the type of turfgrass. Kentucky bluegrass will retain most of its roots for more than one season and is referred to as a “perennial rooting grass.” Other grasses like bentgrass, perennial ryegrasses and rough bluegrass replace most of their roots yearly and are considered annual rooting grasses.

New research is being conducted to see if altering the turfgrass plant’s growth habits can aid in root system retention and also increase root growth.

STUNTING GROWTH. What can go wrong for roots? What evil lurks in the soil that can cause their demise? Unfortunately, there are numerous factors that inhibit root growth and longevity. They include pH, salt concentrations, moisture variations (either a lack or a surplus), lack of oxygen, chemical actions, soil compaction and high soil temperatures. In addition, some cultural practices inhibit root growth, including mowing at less-than-recommended heights or with too much frequency, excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and a deficiency of potassium fertilizer.

All of these root-inhibiting conditions can be managed.

BREATHE DEEP. One of the cardinal rules for all living cells is that they must have access to oxygen. Amounts necessary for active growth will vary according to the species, but cutting off the supply through flooding or soil compaction can either reduce or completely eliminate root growth and survival.

“Compaction is the foremost turf problem,” stated researcher J.H. Madison, “by causing an overall decline in growth, quality and vigor.”

One of the major problems with compaction is that it is seldom recognized as the cause of root decline and, therefore, overall turf demise. Soil compaction’s most conspicuous rooting response is altered root distribution. Most times, a decrease in deep rooting will occur, while a substantial increase in surface or lateral rooting is a strong clue that compaction is the culprit.

During summer months, compaction has been shown to increase root dieback, although it could be attributed to increased soil temperatures and less favorable soil oxygen levels. Both of these problems are directly related to soil compaction and both have been proven to hasten root maturity.

Several studies have borne out the related problems of compaction, low oxygen soil content and reduced water uptake. In one study, compacted Kentucky bluegrass was shown to suffer both root and shoot growth reduction, often exhibiting lack of moisture symptoms even after frequent irrigation. Exercise care on frequently irrigated, high-use recreational turf areas to prevent undue compaction which can result in decreased plant vigor and growth.

Salt Tolerances Of Turfgrasses

    Table 1. (Source: Western Fertilizer Handbook, Horticulture Edition, 1990)

    Kentucky bluegrass
    Highland bentgrass
    Red fescue
    Meadow fescue
    Alta fescue
    Perennial ryegrass
    Common Bermudagrass
    Seaside bentgrass
    St. Augustine

MANAGE pH LEVELS. Soil pH can play an important role in plant root growth. Most turfgrass species are adaptable to a fairly wide range of soil pH. Optimum root growth, however, usually exists where the pH is slightly acid to neutral (6.0 to 7.0); problems occur when soil pH fluctuates either lower or higher. Low soil pH (4.0 to 5.9) can cause problems, especially when there are high levels of aluminum present. Under low pH, this element can reach toxic levels for turfgrass. Application of lime can correct excess acidity, but care should be taken to prevent elevating the soil pH above 7.0.

One interesting study found that an application of nitrogen along with lime generally increased root, stolon and top growth as soil pH was raised from 4.7 to 6.1. When lime was applied alone, the study resulted in no increase in growth of roots or top growth.

Elevated soil pH can cause reduced nutrient availability, especially reduced levels of iron. With high pH soils (7.5 to 8.5), applications of sulfur can bring the pH back into the optimal range. Exercise care in sulfur applications since rates above 5 pounds per 1,000 square feet should be avoided to prevent damage to turf. Sulfur applications should also be limited to cool periods, as high air and soil temperatures can increase the chance of sulfur damage to both roots and shoots.

The effects of lower soil pH are more evident on roots than on shoots. Roots become brown, short and spindly. Thatch levels increase and tolerance to environmental stress decreases. The plant’s ability to resist drought is also greatly reduced.

High salt levels in soil or irrigation water can greatly reduce a plant’s ability to grow and provide adequate turf coverage. High salt levels in the soil can be a problem because these soils drain poorly and are prone to compaction. Some species like bermudagrass can tolerate high levels of sodium by actually increasing root weight compared to top weight. Cool-season grasses did not fare as well in salinity tolerance tests — both root numbers and weight decreased as salt levels increased.

The best method to avoid salt problems is to select cultivars and species that are salt tolerant.

WATER + HEAT. Turfgrasses absorb water primarily from the soil through the root system. Water absorption can be adversely affected by a number of things: compacted and acidic soils, excessive nitrogen fertilization and overwatering lowers oxygen availability and low soil temperatures.

Optimum root water absorption is achieved by maintaining soil permeability, proper nutrition, optimum pH, temperature and aeration.

Temperature, especially soil temperature, greatly affects root growth. Cool-season grasses maintain their best root growth at soil temperatures between 50 and 64 F. Some cool-season grasses produce their greatest root activity between 75 and 84 F. Many cool-season grasses continue their root growth in the winter until soil freezes. Heat stress to turfgrass roots is usually associated with water stress. As temperatures increase, water availability generally decreases and the turfgrass plant can quickly succumb to the combination.

As Table 2 reflects, time exposed to killing temperatures is the greatest variable. Periods of warm and dry cycles can help prepare turfgrass roots to survive high temperatures by allowing them to grow deeper into the soil profile and, thus, escape some of the worst of the high temperatures.

Cool-season turfgrasses can tolerate freezing temperatures from 23 to -31 F, while warm-season grasses can tolerate from 21 to 12 F. As expected, heat stress tolerances are almost the reverse.

Killing Time, Temperature and Drought Resistance Among Turfgrass Species

    Table 2. (Source: Turfgrass, 1992)

    Buffalograss Excellent >600 142
    Bermudagrass Excellent >600 139.8
    Tall fescue Good 166 131.7
    Red fescue Good 252 132.4
    Kentucky bluegrass Medium 176 130.6
    Perennial ryegrass Fair 240 134.4
    Creeping bentgrass Poor 144 132.6

SMART MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. Cultural practices that inhibit root growth are quite common. Mowing either too close or too frequently can greatly affect root growth. Turfgrasses depend on a steady, uninterrupted flow of starches and sugars from the shoots to propel root growth. If the flow is stopped or diverted to replacing shoots, root growth will come to a near complete stop.

Excessive nitrogen application can also have a detrimental effect on root growth. Nitrogen is consumed by the plant in greater quantities than any other element, but a lot doesn’t necessary mean a lot of good growth will occur. Studies have shown that root growth increases as nitrogen is first applied, but soon reaches a threshold and subsequently declines as excessive shoot growth is encouraged by large N applications. High N availability will cause a distinct root suppression.

Potassium is consumed by turfgrass in quantities second only to nitrogen. The nitrogen-potassium balance has been found to be very important and ratios vary depending on the turfgrass species. Studies have also shown incidences of disease reduction and higher drought tolerance when adequate supplies of potassium are available for turf. Cold tolerance has also been improved by adding potassium. Combinations of nitrogen, potassium and iron are very helpful in increasing root growth, plant tolerance to drought, heat and cold.

How can you help roots? The best way to insure a healthy, vigorous root system under any plant is to provide optimal growing conditions. Make sure that the soil is loose enough to provide a good growing base. This soil will also allow adequate movement of oxygen and moisture and ensure nutrients are available in the correct levels.

Recently, biostimulants have been shown to help plants grow adequate root systems in unfavorable agronomic conditions. For instance, in soils containing 8,000 ppm salt, turfgrass treated with a biostimulant produced a very dramatic increase in root number and size over untreated check samples.

Plant biostimulants perform best when plants are suffering from different kinds of stress. Applying a biostimulant to an actively growing plant (not stressed) will most likely show very little improvement. However, under poor growing conditions, these products help maintain healthy turf and ornamental roots.

Remember that just because roots are out of sight, they shouldn’t be out of mind. Consider what they need, provide it and they’ll pay you back.

The author is an industry consultant with Key Solutions, a division of Iris Sales & Solutions Inc., Rocky River, Ohio.

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