Catch up on last year's Benchmarking report

Before our latest Benchmarking Your Business report goes live Wednesday, learn what data you might expect to see and brush up on the 2024 numbers.

A close-up of last year's Benchmarking cover

Our 2025 Benchmarking Your Business Report (and our March issue) goes live this Wednesday! That means you're going to get all the data you need to see how you stack up with your competition.

For example, you told us last year that you charged the following per labor hour for each service:

  • Landscape Maintenance: $66.22
  • Design/Build: $76.97
  • Lawn Care/Chemical Application: $76.07
  • Irrigation: $81.07
  • Tree Care: $89.57
  • Snow & Ice Management: $106.60

How will those numbers change in 2025? Are you charging more or less?

Embedded Poll
Are you charging more or less for each service than you were in 2024?


We're also breaking down how much you're paying each of your employees. For example, crew foremen/leaders earned an average of $50,500 in 2024. Office managers made $55,000, and landscape designers pulled in $65,000. How will that compare to this year's numbers?

It's no secret that labor's a complication in the green industry, so check back Wednesday to see if you're paying above or below market value. 

And before you see this year's State of the Industry report, catch up on what you might've missed in 2024.