As many green industry professionals know, hiring efficient, talented and reliable employees is one of the business’ major challenges.
Without key people in place, it’s difficult to grow your company and ensure long-term business success. And sometimes, how you interview a candidate is just as important as how well they interview for you. To place the odds in your favor for a successful hire, Houston-based Dunhill Professional Search provides some tips to improve your next hiring campaign.
Keep commitments and make phone calls. The candidate begins to form an opinion of your company even before the first face-to-face interview. Unkept promises destroy your credibility.
Be prepared. Make sure you review a candidate’s resume and develop a list of questions tailored to their work experience and skills.
Be positive. Interviewing is a two-way street. Besides gathering information on the candidate, remember to sell your organization, the position in question, as well as yourself as a business owner and/or boss.
Be prompt with interviews and offers. While you are contemplating, candidates often continue to interview and consider other jobs.
Confirm the commitment. After a candidate verbally accepts a job offer, send the individual a confirmation letter.
Set the start date. The longer the time span from the initial interview to the projected start date, the lower the odds of a successful hire. Insist on a start date within two weeks of acceptance of the offer.
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