Test these strategies to excel in SEO

Improving a website’s SEO can help more customers find your business online.

You might have the best service in your market, but if your website doesn’t show up when potential customers are looking online, you’re missing out on sales. SEO strategies, content performance, user engagement, online local presence and social media all factor into your status on the web, but a few tweaks to your online presence can make all the difference. Try these six tips to make your business searchable.

1) Answer questions and create relevant content.

Content is important now more than ever, but the key is quality content in the right context. Turn your website into a resource for your customers and let them know about your expertise in your field. This gives Google more information on connections of relevant content throughout the web and can help improve your rankings by revealing the right content to the right audience. Creating high-quality content can also earn you brand mentions. Unlinked brand mentions can be as strong a signal as backlinks.

Read the full list from the January issue here.