TruGreen releases AI-powered ads

The ads can be found on The Weather Channel app, and on HGTV properties.

TruGreen partnered with IBM Watson Ads to create an interactive ad powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that addresses customers’ specific needs. IBM Watson Ads launched in June 2016 as a consumer-facing AI-powered advertising creative.

In TruGreen’s new AI-powered ad, customers can find a personalized lawn plan recommendation by starting a conversation in the ad, using a series of dialogue prompts. Once engaged, the AI-powered ad guides the customer through the conversation using images, videos and other interactive buttons.

For instance, if the customer is dealing with discoloration in their yard, they can select the “grass not green” option, which will then initiate a conversation with Watson to learn more about the specific lawn care concerns. Customers can also type in more general questions like, “How can I get my lawn looking great?” and Watson responds with a series of questions to get clarity on the specific lawn needs. Based on the data provided in the conversation, the Watson Ad will recommend a personalized TruGreen lawn plan.

The AI-powered ad also provides customers with answers to questions on TruGreen pricing and plan details. Customers can ask to connect directly with a TruGreen employee, as well.

“We have long enjoyed a partnership with Watson Advertising, and this test with Watson Ads is a perfect entry point for us to explore AI-powered marketing,” said Kari Rajaniemi, chief marketing officer at TruGreen. “Our TruGreen team ‘educated’ Watson, and I’ve been impressed with IBM’s ability to create an interactive campaign that understands our brand and our customers’ needs.”

TruGreen’s new ad can be found on The Weather Channel app, and on HGTV properties.