If you have a good company that does good work, provides good customer service and has knowledgeable representatives and account managers, you should have no shortage of sales. Yet companies struggle to get the sales they expect.
As we enter peak selling season, pursuing opportunities for enhancements, small construction jobs and new maintenance accounts, it’s worth looking at common obstacles that stand in the way.
1. You’re bogged down by the sheer number of proposals.
Sales reps and account managers become so involved with proposals, estimating and content creation that they can’t do anything else. In my company, we improved account manager morale and increased productivity and turnaround by expanding our proposal team to include our estimator and landscape architect. To simplify execution, we repurpose our best proposals and pull from a well-organized inventory of graphic files, customized messaging and target market data. Our customers love it because we show them what we can do and how well we do it, and how much we respect their time by being prompt.
Read the rest of Bruce Wilson's tips from our March issue here.