WNLA to host boxwood blight webinars

The Western Nursery & Landscape Association’s webinars are free to members and $50 for non-members.

WNLA members and their staff can participate in two upcoming webinars about boxwood blight. These webinars are free for WNLA members. Non-members are invited to join for $50 per webinar or they can join WNLA for $75 and attend the two webinars for free.

The following are upcoming webinars:

• Boxwood Blight Sanitation: June 6 from noon to 1 p.m. CDT – Norman Dart, VDACS State Plant Pathologist, will focus on the importance of sanitation in reducing the spread of boxwood blight in landscapes. The webinar will provide basic plant pathology theory tied with real-world experience and advice. Click here for details.

• Boxwood Blight – HRI Efforts & Current Boxwood Blight Project: June 13 from noon to 1 p.m. CDT – Dr. Jill Calabro, Ph.D., Science and Research Programs Director at AmericanHort, will speak based on her extensive background in the plant sciences. She received her Ph.D. in plant pathology from Oregon State University; her M.S. degree, also in plant pathology, was awarded from the University of Minnesota; and her B.S. in horticulture was from Iowa State University. Click here for details.

Registration for the webinars is open. Click here for details on the upcoming webinars.