Davey Tree plants more than 5,750 trees

Employees of the company celebrated Arbor Day in local communities all over the country.

On April 29, Davey employees from coast to coast celebrated Arbor Day in their local communities. Nationwide, Davey highlights the benefits of trees and encourages homeowners to plant trees using their scientifically backed best practices.

“As those in the industry know, there are many reasons why trees benefit communities and homeowners,” said Sandra Reid, vice president, corporate communications and strategic planning for Davey Tree. “Trees provide stress reduction and other health benefits. Neighborhoods with trees see improved property values and environmental benefits such as improved storm water retention. Davey does a lot of community tree plantings and maintenance projects across North America all year long, and our dedication to community outreach is never easier to see than on Arbor Day.”
This year, Davey helped plant more than 5,750 trees, which is about four trees every minute on Arbor Day. Over the next 50 years, each one of those newly planted trees can generate $31,250 worth of air pollution control, recycle $37,500 worth of water and control $31,500 worth of soil erosion, according to the Arbor Day Foundation.
To promote the many benefits of trees nationally, Davey ran a #pics4trees campaign on social media. For every photo with the #pics4trees, Davey donated $1 to the Arbor Day Foundation to plant a tree. From Earth Day to Arbor Day, Davey received more than 100 photo submissions. The #pics4trees campaign reached about 20,000 on Facebook, and the hashtag received more than 800,000 impressions on Twitter. Due to the tremendous response, Davey decided to instead make a $1,000 donation to the Arbor Day Foundation.
Whether online or in-person, locally or nationwide, Davey employees did their part this past Arbor Day.
A list of some of Davey’s Arbor Day community outreach events is below. For more details and photos of the below events, please visit the Davey Blog.
Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford’s The Care of Trees, a Davey company, maintained trees in Columbus Park.
Wilmington, Delaware: Davey’s local R/C office participated in four local events to care for trees and help students plant trees.
Naples, Florida: Davey’s local R/C office volunteered at the Naples Zoo Arbor Day.
Coal City, Illinois: Davey Resource Group, a division of Davey Tree, helped planted 88 trees to replace trees lost during last year’s tornado.
Naperville, Illinois: Naperville’s The Care of Trees, a Davey company, celebrated Arbor Day with 375 local elementary school students. They planted two trees and gave each student a seedling.
Akron, Ohio: Davey Resource Group helped local middle school students plant 625 trees for a week-long stream restoration project. On Earth Day, they also planted 1,145 trees.
Alliance, Ohio: Davey Resource Group helped plant 28 trees at the Great Ohio Planting Day. 
Cincinnati, Ohio: Davey’s North Cincinnati R/C office helped preschoolers plant one memorial tree downtown in Greenhills, Ohio.
Columbus, Ohio: Davey Resource Group helped plant a tree at the Ohio Statehouse. 
Kirtland, Ohio: Davey sponsored the Arbor Day event at the Holden Arboretum. Davey received 250 signatures on their Nature’s Sunscreen pledge, so they donated $250 to the Arbor Day Foundation.
Weston, Massachusetts: Hartney Greymont, a Davey company, helped care for trees along a popular street.
Detroit, Michigan: Davey’s South Detroit R/C office helped plant trees in a wetlands preserve.
Rochester, Minnesota: Maier Tree & Lawn, a Davey company, sponsored and volunteered at the 14th Annual Arbor Day Celebration. They donated 2,200 tree saplings to attendees.
St. Louis, Missouri: Davey’s West St. Louis R/C office helped students plant one tree in a city park. 
Buffalo, New York: Davey’s local R/C office cared for trees in a local park.
Long Island, New York: Davey’s local R/C office helped plant a 15-foot red maple.
Troy, New York: Davey’s Albany R/C office donated and planted three trees in downtown Troy.
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania: Davey’s King of Prussia R/C office helped care for a local park’s trees.