Dallas-area arborist completes ISA TRAQ

The TRAQ course was conducted in Texas for the first time.

DALLAS, TX - Recently the International Society of Arborists (ISA) conducted its first Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) course in Texas. Wayne Hitt, an arborist with Moore Tree Care, a subsidiary of Lambert Landscape Company of Dallas, is one of the people who successfully completed the first TRAQ in Texas.

"To my clients, I know that losing a special tree that's anchored the garden for years is like losing a member of the family," says Hitt. "This program brings a universal standard to identifying and evaluating the hazard and risk of tree failures. That's the reason why at Moore, we were so excited to learn that ISA would be bringing TRAQ training to Texas."

The course is the gold standard for arborists seeking a professional credential qualifying them as trained to identify and assess risk associated with potentially hazardous trees. TRAQ was identified as an opportunity for arborists to expand their knowledge through education and training in the fundamentals of tree risk assessment, with an understanding of basic tree biomechanics, and how to identify and interpret risk.            

Hitt came to Dallas to join Moore as an arborist after more than 30 years in Alabama and Florida, where he served in positions from a town horticulturist to a landscape designer/estimator to an operations and project manager. For more information, call 214.352.7088; or visit www.mooretree.com.