Build revenue

According to the State of the Industry Report, landscape contractors are on target to turn a profit in 2017.

Photo above courtesy of © Matt Collins

Landscape contractors who turned a profit in 2016 say they expect to end 2017 in the black and are hopeful this trend will continue. From a service that was unexpectedly popular, to new construction in their area, contractors discuss some of the reasons they were profitable, and when they usually turn a profit during the year.

Landscape Artistry had an annual revenue of approximately $341,000, which was an increase of about $100,000 over the prior year – a higher-than-normal leap, says Paul Ruggiero, owner.

“Each year it seems to get a little bit better,” Ruggiero says. “I’m already up 11 percent (this year) over last year at this time. I know I have a couple of really good size jobs coming in. I’d say probably 20 percent, again, is what I’m hoping for.”

Read the full story from the October issue here.