Make your team ready before the new year

Strategize and keep the team on goal for 2018 with a performance-based plan.

As you look ahead to 2018, your planning punch list is complete. You’ve set clear goals, identified ways to implement and measure next year’s success, and reaffirmed workplace norms. As demanding as that process was, though, the real challenge lies ahead.

Keeping your team on goal for 2018 is going to require creating a performance-based plan that helps you take control of the strategy by listing all the activities you want to accomplish, not just the outcome. Ways to start off on the right foot include:

Recruit aggressively. Even when you don’t have openings, continue to recruit. Hire talent whenever and wherever you find it. Encourage your loyal and trusted employees to bring value-aligned friends into your company, regardless of whether they have industry experience. This is the key to sustainably growing your business. Opportunities will be there. Will you be ready?

Read the full story from the December issue here.