NAEDA awards KIOTI tractor gold level status

This is the second consecutive year the company divison has won the award.

WENDELL, N.C. – The North American Equipment Dealers Association (NAEDA) named KIOTI Tractor, a division of Daedong-USA, Inc., a Gold Level status award recipient in 2015. The Gold Level status award recognizes those manufacturers who have achieved exceptionally high dealer rating levels as part of NAEDA’s Manufacturer recognition program.

“It is an honor and privilege to be recognized with such a prominent award for the second year. We strive to be sensitive and aware of our customer needs in all areas of the business,” said J.S. Kim, chairman of Daedong-USA, Inc. and vice chairman of Daedong Industrial Co., Ltd. “This award recognizes us for our efforts in these areas. We will continue to rise to new levels of doing great business.”

In its annual Dealer-Manufacturer Relations Survey, NAEDA sought out agricultural and outdoor power equipment dealers and asked them to rate the companies whose products they represent on 12 key categories of dealership operations and support. The survey categories include: overall satisfaction, product availability, product quality, product technical support, parts availability, parts quality, return privileges, communications with management, warranty procedures, warranty payments, marketing and advertising support and manufacturer response to dealer needs and concerns. Over 6,000 total evaluations were collected from North American dealers, up from approximately 3,800 evaluations last year.

“We recognize the importance of the dealer-manufacturer relationship and take this feedback as vital information as we support change and improvements in our organization,” said Peter Dong Kyun Kim, president and CEO of Daedong-USA, Inc.