Married Contractors Win Edge-Pro Paver Restraint from Lawn & Landscape’s November Sweepstakes

Clint and Valerie Christman started Green Interiors in August 2004. Their November sweepstakes winnings just built up the new company's stash of hardscaping materials.

Clint and Valerie Christman have been subcontracting their hardscape work since opening their businesses in 2004. The husband and wife team co-own Green Interiors, which began conducting business in Sacramento, Calif. in August. The dynamic duo hope to take the hardscape reins from subcontractors by 2006 and when they do, the $4,000 worth of Edge-Pro paver restraints they’ve won in Lawn & Landscape’s November online sweepstakes, will surely prove useful.


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Offering both maintenance and installation, Christman says that about 80 percent of the company’s business is installation. “We’re in Sacramento and the housing market here is just crazy,” Clint says. “There are lots of new homes being built, so right there is our residential market. With the new homes there are a lot of retail centers being built, so that’s our commercial market.”

The couple has set a goal for their young company of $350,000 in revenue for its first year. “I don’t think it’s unreasonable,” says Clint, who has been in the green industry for 25 years. “We already have half of that goal on the books.”

For now, Christman says that subcontracting hardscape installation makes the most sense while the company is taking time to grow. “The market is definitely here, so it’s just a matter of getting our name out there,” he says. “Anything structural, we’re subcontracting also. Everything else, we’re doing ourselves.”

The Christmans’ sweepstakes winnings will have to be set aside for the time being as the pair chooses building business over building retaining walls. “Our goal right now is to put our company on the map,” Christman says.