Walk Your Plans unveils floor plan projection tool

Using seven projectors, the new company provides interactive capabilities between landscape designs and the end user.

Walk Your Plans, a technology-driven projection facility, has created a new way designers can present floor plan drawings to their respective clients.

Using seven projectors, the new company provides interactive capabilities between landscape designs and the end user. WYP uses a multifaceted projection approach, displaying landscape plans on the floor as well as the adjacent wall, providing precise elevation readings.

© Walk Your Plans

The redesigned hall, inside a former elementary school, is painted white and grey to better highlight vivid construction plan projections. In addition, to the showroom, WYP remodeled the former stage off of the old gymnasium, which encompasses employee offices, a branded conference room, and a complementary bar, giving customers an opportunity to ‘sip and see’ their project plans.

The multitenant building is currently home to five businesses, four of which are property owners, including Joe Matejka Jr., founder and president of Walk Your Plans.

All certified partners operate projection services through an annual tiered subscription model broken down by hour usage within the facility.