Landscapers, residents in New Jersey's West Orange debate gas blowers

The March 11 town council meeting focused on the benefits and disadvantages of electric and gas-powered leaf blowers.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This story originally comes from TapInto West Orange, which can be in full on their website

Landscapers and residents spoke again at the March 11 town council meeting about the benefits and disadvantages of electric and gas-powered leaf blowers.

The noisy buzzing of gas blowers has begun as spring is less than a couple of weeks away, and residents talked about the difficulty of working at home with the loud and frequent sounds of blowers.

A couple of concerns about electric blowers include the cost of purchasing new equipment and how long the lithium batteries last. Another issue people are worried about is neighbors reporting other neighbors and submitting photos of them using gas blowers, which could create hostility and friction.