Fecon now offers their durable mulcher, the Bull Hog, for mid size and smaller excavators. You can mow larger material and get big mulching performance with Fecon’s Compact Equipment Mulcher.
The Compact Equipment Mulcher features Fecon’s proven, durable Fixed Rotor System that allows you to grind material up to 4” in diameter. The Compact Equipment Mulcher also features Fecon’s HDT Tooling System that offers four tooling options to tailor cutting tools to the job application. Tooling options include: Double Carbide, Stone Tools, Single Carbide and Chipper Tools.
The Compact Equipment Mulcher offers a 36” cutting width and a maximum weight between 1000-1200 lbs. Targeted for excavators in the 7-12 metric ton range with 17-30 gpm of auxiliary flow. The Compact Equipment Mulcher also works well on other applicable machinery such as larger back hoes.
The Compact Equipment Mulcher is perfect for ditch and stream vegetation management and roadside vegetation management. Other applications include: Pipeline and Right-Of-Way Clearing, Invasive Species Removal, Fire Breaks, Land Clearing and Site Prep.