BioSafe Systems has introduced its first new product of 2016, GreenClean Pond Block. This blend of naturally occurring bacterial strains and enzymes is formulated to increase water quality and clarity. GreenClean Pond Block works by reducing excess nutrients in ponds that are generated by organic debris, fish waste and fertilizer run-off while also improving the overall health of the pond ecosystem.
“Having a beneficial pond bacteria product in our line of sustainable water management products falls right in line with BioSafe Systems’ other effective and environmentally responsible solutions,” says Tom Warmuth, BioSafe Systems’ aquatics technical representative.
One 5 lb. GreenClean Pond Block is easy to use and can treat up to five acres/feet of water for 30-60 days. It is not harmful to fish, plants or any aquatic life and there is no license required for application. The GreenClean Pond Block reduces available Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and Phosphate and it improves dissolved oxygen levels.
For more information about BioSafe Systems’ new product, GreenClean Pond Block, contact Tom Warmuth, BioSafe Systems aquatics technical representative at 336-402-4449 or visit www.biosafesystems.com.