COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. – Helena Chemical Company introduces Receptor, an EPA-registered plant growth regulator. As an advanced nutrient catalyst, it is labeled for increased fertilizer uptake and efficiency. It features a unique combination of three well-known plant growth regulators – IBA, gibberellic acid and kinetin. When applied with liquid fertilizers, Receptor enhances root system development and contributes to a stronger, faster-growing plant. This results in increased nutrient and moisture uptake, which can improve tolerance of early season growing stresses. Receptor also works well with dry granular fertilizer.
Three years of field research has shown that Receptor provides specific and unique benefits when blended with many fertilizer elements; either separately or together. With nitrogen, Receptor reduces nitrate leaching and increases plant uptake, while buffering the effects of salts. With phosphorus, or phosphorous blends, Receptor increases availability by protecting phosphorus from binding with calcium, aluminum and iron. Receptor can also solubilize soil-bound phosphorus and buffer the salt effects of starter fertilizers. Receptor can be applied at low use rates on a variety and wide range of plant species and grasses with liquid fertilizers and plant nutritional products.
For more information and availability by state, contact a Helena representative, or visit www.helenachemical.com