The SS 220 Spread-N-Spray from Northern Turf Equipment Mfg functions as a fertilizer spreader and a spraying system. The Spyker 220 lb. hopper pattern can be adjusted from 0 to 32' wide via the spread control knob on the dashboard. This allows you to match the spread width to the spray width so you can spread and spray at the same time. The standard half spread will cut your fertilizer pattern in half with the flip of a switch.
The spray system is configured with three pumps and regulators each supporting its own broadcast spray tip. (Actually three separate spray systems utilizing a common tank). The spray tips are calibrated to deliver the same rate per sq. ft. This allows the operator to select the width of the spray pattern during operation based on the area being treated. The center spray tip covers a width of sixteen feet. The two outboard spray tips cover a width of four feet each, one to the left and one to the right, with slight overlap in the center.